Friday, October 28, 2011

Left Side Tires Only!

Splint Day:  10  Recovery Day:  10

Days recovery remaining:  80

I mentioned my tumble into the front yard?  Well it seems that I cracked the bottom part of my splint when that happened.  So after a couple of days of dealing with a distinct "this doesn't feel right" type of feeling and my toes being numb 98%+ of the time I called the doc's office to see what I should do about it.  The asked me to come in so they could change it out for me.

So in we went.  The giant, hard plaster/ace wrap combo they put on immediately after surgery came off to reveal what the incision looked like:

My first reaction?  HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT OF STAPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My second reaction?  The incision looks like it's healing pretty well!

My third reaction?  HOLY SHIT THAT'S A HUGE INCISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you so desire you can click on the pic, zoom in a bit and count at least 15 staples.  So that scars gonna be nice!  And as we all know, chicks dig scars!

Only about 5 days left until the cast.  Speaking of which, while I was there for the new splint I was able to peruse cast color swatches and I'm pretty sure I picked out the color.  Now to just start looking for a cast cover I can wear in shower.


sage said...


Glad you have your initials on your leg. Wouldn't want you forgetting your name or anything.

My incision is bigger, tho, I think! But no staples, just dissolving stitches. You're way more hardcore than I am.

Mindi said...

Holy carp that is a big incision. AND lots of staples. Yikes. That is very hard core. Although you and Sage are probably close to a tie for that one on surgeries this year.