Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer Reading

I can remember when I was kid (probably age 10-14 or so) the public library sponsoring a summer reading program.  You know what I'm talking about - you would keep track of the books you read over the summer and not that it was a competition, but you'd see who would read the most during your summer vacation.

Yes, first and foremost I must admit that I was one of those kids who actively read during summer vacation.

Well, I'm doing it on my own this summer.  I'm going to keep track of all the books I read (or re-read) this summer and keep a running total here on my blog.

So far this summer I've read (and this is really just the month of May):

Once A Runner - John L. Parker

Okay, yeah there's a theme there, but that's four and counting.

Three more are in the queue, but I'm trying to save one of those for the trip out west.  Not sure if it will happen.

And I'd love to see what, and how much, those 2-3 people who check in here are reading.


EC said...

Light reading this week:
21 papers on perinatal depression and SSRI treatments. Also skimmed about 30 more.

I would trade you.

Maria said...

I LOVED the summer reading programs/contests... we were total library rats.

I've got a couple books in progress right now, Turning the Mind into an Ally & Beautiful Boy. I seem to always have something running/exercise related in the queue with something either lighter or documentary/history related. Beautiful Boy is about addiction

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I didn't care for Rachel Toor's book. Did you like it?

I need to make a trip to the library - I was just complaining to the family that I have nothing to read, which is unusual for me.

solarpowered said...

Right now I'm only reading research papers and book reports :(

I'll check back with you in a couple weeks when I get my own reading time! :)

JNH said...

I've just read a Nora Roberts book, and I'm working through a book called Captivating right now. I love summer reading!!