Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well That's Not Gonna Happen

Considering that I just got up and moving about an hour ago, 17 miles ain't happening today since I have to be somewhere at 1:30 pm today.

I'll get some miles in and depending on what the weather does (forecast calls for 1-3" of snow overnight tonight and in to tomorrow probably preventing the baseball games from being played) might be able to get my long run in tomorrow.


sneakersister said...

Hope you can get your 17 in tomorrow. Enjoy!

EC said...

Saw T today. She looked and sounded great. I gave her a hug to give to you. Hope to see you in the summer, but Karen says you have to stop by and see her so that she can meet you even if I am in BFE at the time.


solarpowered said...

Sometimes you just need to catch up on some zzzzz's. :D

Get as many of those LR miles done as you can tomorrow, and don't sweat it!

solarpowered said...

Wait - I just realized you posted that yesterday. Maybe you got the LR done today? I've now confused myself.