Monday, December 12, 2011

Hitting "Enter"

I've got a plan in place now.  I've got the next 10 weeks planned out for my rehab and getting back to running.

That's the easy part.  The hard part is going to be getting back into the routine of getting it done.

So here's the plan for the next three weeks (sort of*):
Monday:  Rehab/strength
Tuesday:  Cardio - at least 45 minutes, I'm hoping on the elliptical.
Wednesday:  Rehab/strength
Thursday:  Cardio
Friday:  Rehab/strength
Saturday:  Cardio
Sunday:  OFF

*I say sort of because we'll be in Cincy the week of the 19th and I'm not going to have access to anywhere I can do cardio....that week will just be a rehab week.

So, I've gotten it all programmed out, now I just need to hit "enter" and run the damn thing.

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