Monday, July 27, 2009

Difficulty Finding Words

Just found out I lost a friend. A truly wonderful person who enjoyed life no matter what was thrown at him.

You will be sorely missed Voo.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

He will be missed for sure. Unbelievable.

sneakersister said...

I'm really glad that you two can go to the funeral and represent those of us who can't make it. This is a very sad time for all of us.

Frankie said...

Unbelievable is all that I can come up with. He will be missed tremendously.

Maria said...

This all feels very much like 9/11 to me. I woke up for days, weeks, months, probably a year later and expected to see the Towers back up in their proper place on the west side of Manhattan. It's the shock but I just can't believe this is real :(

solarpowered said...

This has been unreal. So hard. It was very comforting, though, to be with you and T and the rest of our group on Wednesday. Hugs.