Saturday, December 29, 2007


Just now getting caught up after the family visit over Christmas. I wanted to post pics of two things:

1) Even though it technically wasn't a Christmas gift, here is the latest item T and I splurged on. Pay no attention to the circa 1970's paneling in the finished basement of the apartment please.

2) The very cool new red iPod I received for Christmas. T got eveyone to chip in to help defray the cost (and to keep her from going over our predetermined limit). Have all the music I currently have in iTunes and it is only half full. Busy downloading/importing as we speak.

Now, I need to get back to work on my end 'o the year post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe its just the angle of the picture, but that deck looks short. I know you aren't a giant, but can you run full bore on that thing?

And, assuming you can, cause why else have it, is it scary?

Good to see you remembered where the computer on button was.

Happy new year!
